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 Post subject: my wish list
PostPosted: January 25th, 2005, 12:34 pm 

Joined: January 25th, 2005, 11:53 am
Posts: 9
1. More animations: smooth color transition for text or other items,

2. Design command editor pane:
its a code editor or a pane, where you can write script commands,
and execute them inmediatly inside Opus designer, and read/write a script to/from a file.
This script languaje can be the same that OpusScript.
i think this feature is very useful, because this way i could create lots of buttons on a page, or lots of pages easily using some script commands.
This command code pane is also like a "macro" editor, so i can store some common procedures like duplicating a page many times, changing the text in some text boxes from different external files, etc.

3. Option to insert the database in the exe or the packed resource file (i havent found a way to include it and work), to protect the database and reduce the external files in a publication.

4. More Spelling Dictionaries: Spanish, french, german, etc.
(i think this can be a community project)

5. a way to create more objects using C++ or other languages, or use external DLLs functions from OpusScript, this way i can use some C fast routines extending the posibilities.


For this message Abstracto has been thanked by : mackavi

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