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 Post subject: My whishlist
PostPosted: February 9th, 2007, 11:45 am 

Joined: May 24th, 2005, 2:07 pm
Posts: 9
Location: Netherlands
Opus 6 XE wishlist


These nice enhancements I would love to see in opus 6 XE

1. Better support for printing: More features, no more jagged fonts in
print output. (Anti aliasing). Special (hidden) form print pages
(templates) in a4, a5, letter etc. (this would really be useful for all
sorts of projects that have a form output.

2. Script wizard: An extended wizard for creating scripts without
programming knowledge. (For instance a script interface that supports
drag and drop features to add standard actions and modify / extend
their functionality.

3. More database functionality: Extra database functions built in for easy
programming of database driven apps. (Maybe also online features)

4. More get / post web data like features: Currently you need a PHP / Perl
or similar programmer to get a post web data action carried out. I can’t
do this…. And I can’t find any good working scripts for it.

5. More online functions: Better support for different e-mail clients and
similar. Maybe even a possibility of real standalone sending of e-mail.

6. Customizable transitions and text effects: Currently Opus has no real
option to make your own transitions and text effects. Please add an
option for this.

7. Huge action lists to script function with debugger (see script wiz.):
Sometimes you really have a huge list of actions that takes up time to
scroll through every time. A “convert to script” function would be
helpful for this. (If possible one that interprets the functions and can
simplify the script based on the list of actions)

8. 3D stuff: Don’t know how, but it would be nice to extend the OpenGL
support / Directx support to include some true 3D features.

Well… Currently this is a list of whishes that are nice enough….Thanks for looking at it.


For this message veragodspiel has been thanked by : mackavi

 Post subject: some interim thoughts
PostPosted: February 9th, 2007, 12:26 pm 

Joined: November 12th, 2005, 1:56 am
Posts: 1474
Location: SFBay Area
Opus: OpusPro v9.0x, & Evol.
OS: Vista32
System: Core 2 duo 2Ghz, RAM 3GB, Nvidia Go 7700 - laptop
Some thoughtful suggestions there.

[ I do not represent DW. Am just a user. ]
A couple comments on Scripting and Object Transistions...
...after some playing around with Scripting I found that I can Drag&Drop. Over on the left of workspace, click on one of the lower vertical tabs that lists script functions. When I am editing Actions for an object and building a small script, I just place my edit-cursor and then drag the Script function (from the far left) to the action/script space. Did not try it for script objects.
...when I build up an Object with transitions and other properties, I add it to the Gallery. I find that I can later Copy those actions to certain other like objects, or place the Gallery object into the current page. (Probably not what you meant by custom transitions?)

**[edit] Correction for the above. When writing Script, Double-Click on the Script term in the Organizer (left Panel) to insert it. (it's not a drag & drop placement). You still need to type or paste the object name into script line, and maintain syntax. Of course, this applies to Opus versions that support Scripting.

I'm wrestling with DB myself, but wouldn't even know 'what' to ask for.


_good things come to those who wait(0)_

For this message Lar_123 has been thanked by : mackavi

 Post subject:
PostPosted: February 19th, 2007, 4:40 pm 

Joined: December 25th, 2004, 3:31 pm
Posts: 178
On Point 4, it's possible to use ASP and a MS Database to post/pull web data. PHP is not needed, Opus can post web data to any type of webpage and is not limited to PHP.

Just do a Google for ASP (W3Schools is useful) and get the code. Easy to setup. You will need Microsoft IIS on your Windows OS to test ASP locally.

For this message josephroddy has been thanked by : mackavi

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