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 Post subject: Scroll Bars, Text Boxes and ListBoxes
PostPosted: March 21st, 2007, 1:36 pm 

Joined: December 25th, 2004, 3:31 pm
Posts: 178
Would it be possible to enable objects to be inserted into text objects with scrollbars. This would be very useful for working with data pulled from databases and that have checkboxes and other objects cloned at the same time which match up with the pulled data, as described on this post:

Currently this needs to be done with a frame with scrollbar and have the button and text objected inserted into it. This can be troublesome and requires a very long text box to be used to ensure that it will not get overcrowded if it is populated with too much text.

Can you add an option so the scrollbar is only shown when needed, this is common on all websites which use textfields, the scrollbar is only shown, or enabled when there is a need for it and scrolling can be done.

Listboxes, mouse over should be an option for Listboxes, currently it is limited to Selection Style on mouse click. I would like options similar to Hypertext options, so could have a different text style for mouse over (highlight) and clicked on. Most online HTML listboxes work this way, as the mouse is moved over the list each is highlighted, selected.

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