Not sure if it could work (or if it would be something many people need) but having master pages stored in a separate publication would save me a lot of tedious work. I have a Flash/Flex site which consists of 100 or so separate music tasks, each created in a different publication (I also have a PC version which is a single downloadable exe, but for web-based interactive use they need to be smaller files). Anyway, each of these files uses the same Master Pages. I use external scripts to cut down the coding issues where possible, but if I want to change some non-coded element that is common throughout, I have to edit each file. You can copy and paste the whole page, but this can lose access to variables etc. Having a common master page in an 'include' would make things easier.
Other things that may also help include:
- Being able to set publication variables in code (this may be necessary for an external MP anyway)
- Select and open multiple files at once
- Publish All
PS. I'll check this when I get time, but I seem to remember switching from the InternetPostData code to the PostWebData Action due to issues in Flex, and the Action is more susceptible to variable problems when elements are copied, cut and pasted.