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 Post subject: Change Display Mode options
PostPosted: June 23rd, 2014, 7:49 pm 

Joined: November 11th, 2004, 1:18 pm
Posts: 1213
Location: New York
Opus: Opus Pro 9.75
OS: Windows 10 Pro 64 bit
System: Core i7, 16G RAM, Nvidia 640GT (desktop), plus Windows 10 and Android tablets
Given the increasing number of different size tablets and devices, plus scaling/DPIAwareness changes made by MS in Windows 8.1 to accommodate a range of device sizes, it would be useful to have a custom option added to the Change Display Mode drop-down. Currently, the available configurations are:


A custom option which could take numbers and/or 2 variables would be helpful for me. (I use a 1366X768 test tablet.) Plus maybe a "reset when exited" option (check-box), if possible.

A more "exotic" option would be ability to change the display resolution to (preserve) 100%. With small tablets, there is a need to reset the display resolution in Windows to 150% or even 200% in order to comfortably view small objects, buttons, icons, etc. I was testing on the tablet, which was set to 150%, causing some distortion in a second utility app's images. Once I reset to 100%, everything looked as it should. So, an option to temporarily reset to 100% may also be helpful.

Just some thoughts to hopefully improve deployment on a range of devices...


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