Digital Workshop

Basic Opus Guide -- current state of play
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Author:  Sentosa [ October 25th, 2007, 1:45 am ]
Post subject:  Basic Opus Guide -- current state of play

File Url:

This link is now set. This url will remain unchanged until I post major revisions. The download is just over 15MB.

I have tested this link, both from my computers and from this post, and as Dirty Harry was wont to say, It works for me.

Things are funny in the Opus world :?

I first posted my Opus guide some time ago. Because I received a zero response, I removed it. After all, it costs me storage fees, so I saw no point in paying for something no one wanted to use.

A few months ago, someone with either a long memory or good records keeping, remembered it, and contacted me. I uploaded it and posted an advice.

With a mild interest shown in the Guide I corrected some errors and made some minor additions. I uploaded these changes, and in so doing, I purposely made slight changes to the URL. This made interested people contact me, letting me better gauge any interest.

The current interest is encouraging. As a result, let me tell you the current state of play:

1. I am revising the current Guide to replace graphics, where necessary, to reflect significant changes resulting from the release of Opus v6. I am also making corrections and additions to the text.

2. When I finish Stage 1, I plan to add more pages and chapters to the Guide.

3. As a result of Stage 2, I'm working on releasing these staged developments so as to take advantage of the update feature of Opus 6. That is an interesting story in itself, and I may post details of my experiences in The Lounge.

4. What this Guide will not cover: scripting, databases, SCORM, AICC, Opus Flex, Opus Video Creator, Opus DVD, and Headstart.

I am open to criticisms (hopefully constructive), suggestions and comments. Please send to

Author:  eomc40 [ October 26th, 2007, 11:58 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Sentosa,

Author:  Nitro [ October 26th, 2007, 8:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Thanks

Thanks Ray, your contribution is greatly appreciated.


Author:  cwortham [ November 6th, 2007, 4:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks very much for the tutorial
Kid regards

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