Digital Workshop

Sample 'pop-up dialogue window for 'Yes' 'No' Exit-publicati
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Author:  Lar_123 [ December 21st, 2007, 3:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Sample 'pop-up dialogue window for 'Yes' 'No' Exit-publicati

I wrestled with this a bit.

Trying to create the usual type of pop-up window that has the 'No' button defaulted... so that hitting 'Enter' cancels that prompt. Returns you to the application.

Part of the set-up is to use the Right and Left arrow-keys, or Tab key, to change the highlighted button from 'no' to 'yes'.

So if you're looking for a confirming dialog box, this example is set up for Exit-publication... launches a small, separate pop-up window. Maybe will save you some time.

ps. uses basic page and button actions, with a small amount of script. That script logic probably could be built using non-script approach.


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Author:  Lar_123 [ December 21st, 2007, 3:41 pm ]
Post subject:  How to override 'esc' key

While this is not the support section, there is a minor note to the sample file included above.

If the User hits 'Esc' when the Exit Page is displayed, he will fully exit the publication. (Normally on a dialog box, 'esc' will execute a 'cancel this request' )

If there is a way to override 'Esc' just for a particular page, would be useful here.

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