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 Post subject: Posting Guidelines
PostPosted: January 6th, 2005, 3:03 pm 

Joined: October 25th, 2004, 12:27 pm
Posts: 526
Location: Digital Workshop
This forum is for tutorials, tips and sample publications only. Please do not post any requests for help - these should be posted in the appropriate support forum.

Before posting a tutorial please use the search function, and research the background to your post. Your tutorial may have been covered before - in which case it is better to contribute to the existing discussion.

Please ensure that your post title is as clear, yet concise, as possible.

All posts should be in English. Please remember that readers may be dyslexic, visually impaired or speak English as a second language and poor writing conventions will ruin your message for all users.

Please keep the following tips in mind:

    - Wherever possible, break down your tutorial into numbered steps
    - Large, unbroken chunks of text can be very off-putting and difficult to follow. Liberal use of paragraphs is recommended
    - Use correct punctuation
    - Never use 'leet-speak', colloquial terms or slang. It is more important to be understood than to sound cool
    - Use as few acronyms as possible
    - Please use bold or italics to emphasise, rather than colours
    - Proofread your post before posting. Try to catch typos or use a spell checker

Please post one tutorial per topic. If you have multiple tutorials on different subjects, start a new topic for each one.

For lengthy tutorials, you may wish to split the tutorial into parts and post a separate topic for each part. When doing this, please ensure that the part number is indicated at the end of the topic title. For example: Adding an image to a publication: Part 1

You can use images to clarify certain steps of your tutorial (using the Img option in the Post Topic window), although please remember that some users may be on dial-up connections and unwilling to wait for large images and screenshots to download. Please crop, resize and optimise your images using an image editor to ensure file sizes are as small as possible.

Please state which version of Opus you have used to develop the tutorial and any sample publications you supply. Please remember that users of Opus Presenter 2.81, Opus Pro 2.81 and Opus Pro XE 2.81 are unable to open publications created in the 04 versions. Therefore, if you own an older version of Opus and your tutorial also works in this version, it is best to design the tutorial and publication in the older software and allow your tutorial to be enjoyed by a much wider audience.

We reserve the right to edit posts which do not follow these guidelines.

For this message Robin Garrett has been thanked by : mackavi

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