Digital Workshop

Opus Pro Training Videos - The Introduction Series
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Author:  mackavi [ April 13th, 2015, 12:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Opus Pro Training Videos - The Introduction Series

Below are a series of ten introductory videos for working with Opus Pro 9. As each lesson becomes active, I will add the content for that video: ... 4ucrELVYhq

Lesson One - Opus Pro - Getting Started

1. Creating a new publication.
2. Renaming your objects.
3. Adding and formatting basic text.
4. Creating buttons and image objects.
5. Using the show / hide actions.
6. Previewing your publication.
7. Saving your work.

Lesson Two - Opus Pro - Drag & Drop

1. Using Quick Styles for backgrounds.
2. Applying a border to an object.
3. Duplicating objects.
4. Applying properties to multiple objects.
5. Using parent / child for grouping objects.
6. Enabling dragging for an object.
7. Creating a drop zone.
8. Basic drag & drop options.
9. Displaying built-in tool-bars.
10. Beginning to use object alignment.

Please save and keep this project as you will need it again in Lesson Four on variables.

Lesson Three - Opus Pro - Timelines

1. Using background gradients.
2. Applying textures.
3. Switching colour pallets.
4. Using a time-line and adding actions.
5. Controlling the time-line.
6. Setting transitions for show events.
7. Adding audio and changing defaults
8. Adding video and allowing overlays.
9. Creating custom borders for different objects.
10. The time mark window.
11. Checking the consolidated resources.
12. Grouping objects with a frame.
13. Inserting miscellaneous or Unicode characters.
14 Formatting the button object.

Lesson Four - Opus Pro - Introducing Variables and Programming

1. Recent publications*
2. Insert or add variables.
3. Different variable types.
4. Using the Dropped Trigger.
5. Adding to a variable.
6. Using text animation.
7. Hide & show objects in the editor
8. The Exit action.
9. The Delay action.
10. Disabling objects.
11. The 'show after' object property.
12. Using IF to compare values / variables .
13. Adding to / organising the action results of the IF conditional.

*This assumes you have the Lesson Two file in your recent documents - alternatively you will need to locate the file and open it before starting.

Lesson Five - Opus Pro - Pages & Chapters

1. Change page sizes.
2. Using a custom page size.
3. Changing the default page size in options.
4. Adding new Chapters and Pages.
5. Creating a template.
6. Applying & layering templates.
7. Using the organiser colours.
8. Rearranging pages.
9. Apply page transitions.
10. Using the page resize properties for responsive content.
11. Using the page navigation actions.
12. Using the system email action.

Lesson Six - Opus Pro - Vectors & Paths

1. Using the Vector Tool.
2. Converting vectors to paths.
3. Displaying paths in preview mode.
4. Using the Follow Path Action.
5. Changing Duration, Speed, Type & Orientation.
6. Reversing paths.
7. Creating a third-party vector. (Corel Draw)
8. Export settings for external vectors.
9. Importing vectors in Opus.
10. Modifying the polygon pen and fill properties.
11. Using the Tween tool.
12. Displaying the Tween Stage.
13. Adding Key Frames.

Lesson Seven - Opus Pro - Tickers

1. Add a Ticker Trigger to a page.
2. Use an Add Action with the Ticker to increase a variable.
3. Control the Ticker speed.
4. Switch a Button object to Check Box type.
5. Start / Stop a Ticker with an 'If Button Down' Action.
6. Customise the text for a Button up / down states.
7. Use a Constant Expression.
8. Using the Actions View Tab
9. Use a Subtract action with the Ticker for a countdown.
10. Link a variable to a Button state.
11. Use IF THEN to stop a Ticker.

Lesson Eight - Opus Pro - Variable Actions in Detail

1. Building a mini game.
2. Using Publication variables.
3. Filtering System Variables.
4. Adding a Text Input Box.
5. Tweaking the Input Box properties.
6. Simple Publication Debugging and Testing.
7. Identifying preview errors and fixing.
8. Using the Random Number Action.
9. Using Less Than / More Than comparisons
10 Adding an Audio Action using the Sound Browser.
11. Resetting variables.
12. Repeating a process using the Loop Action.

Note: The variable, myGuess, used in the lesson is defined as a 'Number' but in Opus this is a loose definition because the variable type can change depending on how it is used.

For example, if you wanted a blank Input Box, you can set myGuess to a Text type variable but still allow the user to enter a Number. If you then compare myGuess to a Random number, Opus will treat both variables as Numbers and the game will still work.

This internal changing of variable types can be very useful but can also cause problems and you need to be aware that it happens!

Lesson Nine - Opus Pro - Programming Actions in Detail

1. Creating simple animations.
2. Introduction to the Simultaneous Action.
3. Introduction to the Continuous Action.
4. Using animation actions - rotate; scale; move.
5. Editing a variable's default value.
6. Using dynamic image paths.
7. Using the Additional Resources feature.
8. Programming with SWITCH CASE control structure.
9. Using Switch's DEFAULT option.


1. Can you make the creature dance indefinitely?
2. Can you improve the dance routine?
2. Can you add a creature of you own choice?

Lesson Ten - Opus Pro - Introducing Scripting

Note: This is a lesson about how the OpusScript features work not a lesson in coding or the newer HTML5 JavaScript functionality.

1. Using the Quickbuild's create a table from an Object feature.
2. Applying Quick Rename to multiple Objects.
3. Setting up Radio Buttons.
4. Adding and editing a Script Action.
5. Working with a Script Object for centralised coding.
6. Introducing the Script Commands Tab
7. Introducing the OpusScript Help File.
8. Understanding the Script Error feedback checker.
9. Working with the Script Error Pane.
10. Using Debug.trace to support development.

The Carol Vorderman Calculator:

This activity generates a simple mathematics game similar to that made famous by Channel Four's Countdown TV Show. The idea is, rather than a standard calculator layout, the buttons have a selection of random numbers and the players are given a total that they have to reach mathematically.

From a coding perspective, the activity offers an excellent foundation for further game development and extending student's programming skills. A couple of ideas include:

1. Implementing actual random numbers for the buttons.
2. Increasing the number of operations available.
3. Including and matching an actual random Total value.
4. Setting limits - number of operations or each value used once.
5. Coding a memory button that stores users' solutions and finds the closest match.

Appendix One - Opus Pro - Publishing - Windows Executable Type

1. Selecting an Executable sub-version.
2. Enabling debug preview.
3. Changing general settings.
4. Issues with compression.
5. Working with large projects.

This brief introduction to publishing for the Microsoft Windows platform covers general settings and considerations. The features covered in Lessons One - Ten are available to this publication output type.

The outputted file is designed to work as a standalone application and either be copied to the client machine or packaged for professional installation. The latter option can be achieved using Opus' Distribution Wizard (Tools Menu) or through third-party software such as Advanced Installer.


1. Will my application work on all versions of Windows?

No. As of Opus Pro 9, Windows XP - Windows 7 are supported. There does not seem to be issues with Windows 8 but changes to Windows 10 have been causing problems. With any type of project, you should always check the exact requirements and prototype on the end user machines before commencing.

2. Will my application work on other devices - like Apple Macs?

Not natively. This means that for Windows' software to work on other devices, you will normally need a third-party application for emulation or virtualisation of Windows - such as Parallels on the Apple Macs.

3. Do the new HTML5 features work with this output type?

No. In fact these features should not even be available in the Opus editor if you have not selected the HTML5 type. If you have used JavaScript or the HTML5 object and switched publication type - you will have to find an alternative solution.

4. Is it possible to add a specific feature to an application that is not in Opus?

Yes. The manufacture, Digital Workshop may be able to offer a custom version or you can use Opus' DLL functionality to develop out-of-box solutions.


Opus Pro is a vastly capable application and this first series will just touch on some of the key features together with lots of the little tweaks necessary for a beginner to start building with the software. Publishing in any format will not be covered in this series but as part of a set of extra lessons.


Author:  Delco44 [ April 13th, 2015, 10:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Opus Pro Training Videos - The Introduction Series

Thank you Mackavi for the tutorials ! I do appreciate !!

Author:  mackavi [ April 17th, 2015, 8:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Opus Pro Training Videos - The Introduction Series

Lesson Six - Opus Pro - Vectors & Paths - Resources

For those that do not have access to Corel Draw, you can try InkScape ( which is an open source alternative.

I'm also including the .wmf vector used in the lesson along with one of the clock faces that comes free with our Tick Tock software (see our website).

For those that want to play with the Tween tool, you can practice the following:

1. Import the clock8.wmf into Opus
2. Add a Tween.
3. Add the clock vector to the tween.
4. Add an Opus straight line vector to the tween
5. Adjust the line vector to approximate 2/3 of the diameter of the clock face.
6. Adjust the line vector's polygon's width and use the end property to display an arrow head.
7. Centre the line vector to the clock face.
8. Add a key frame at about the 60 mark.
9. Change the rotation property of the line vector, at this key frame, so that the 'hand' is in a different position.

If all that works, may be you can push the project further to build a working animated clock...


File comment: Contains khazm and clock vectors. [16.69 KiB]
Downloaded 1248 times

Author:  mackavi [ April 22nd, 2015, 1:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Opus Pro Training Videos - The Introduction Series

Opus Pro Extra - A Simple Timer

function baseSixty(baseTen) {
    var lmin = '';
    var lsecs = '';
    var hours = Math.floor(baseTen / 60 / 60);
    var mins = Math.floor((baseTen - (hours * 60 * 60)) / 60);
    var secs = baseTen - (Math.floor(baseTen / 60) * 60);
    if (mins < 10) {lmin = '0';}
    if (secs < 10) {lsecs = '0';}
    return lmin + mins + ':' + lsecs + secs;

Seems YouTube cannot display code. I'll leave the lesson's code here for now and look at storing them on our website asap.


Author:  mackavi [ July 7th, 2015, 9:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Opus Pro Training Videos - The Introduction Series

Just an update. Haven't forgotten about the videos - just got very busy with work and life. Hope to get back and finish sessions nine and ten this month (July) and then look into what other topics are feasible.

Thanks to all those that have mailed us, glad you are finding them useful.


Author:  mackavi [ October 13th, 2015, 5:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Opus Pro Training Videos - The Introduction Series

Okay, have added a final Appendix One Lesson to the above for publishing to Windows Executable Type. This concludes the Introductory Series and should be more than enough for new comers to build a working project.

The next ten lessons, the Intermediate Series have been planned and I'll post the contents in a new topic later.


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