Digital Workshop

Please help: effects not appearing in flex swf publication
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Author:  Ryz [ July 3rd, 2007, 9:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Please help: effects not appearing in flex swf publication


I've created a gallery where images can be dragged into a frame. They all have the property to stretch 300% when dropped. This publication is OPUS FLEX(exported to flash). The problem is, the images stay at 100% in the actual flash file...

Can anyone help?

Author:  Graham Baglin [ July 4th, 2007, 11:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hi Ryz

Going by what you said in your post, I think this is what you are wanting to create is a larger size image from a thumbnail? Yes?

If so, have a look at the attached example, attached both in Opus format and flex published format.

This example replies on the old hidden image trick ( Shades of Maxwell Smart here!) where the larger image is unhidden if the correct smaller thumbnail image is dropped on to it.

Hope this solves your problem.



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