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 Post subject: Video import
PostPosted: January 6th, 2008, 8:53 pm 
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Joined: March 20th, 2006, 11:10 pm
Posts: 15
Location: SW England
Opus: Opus Pro V7.05
Thanks to reading some of the various posts on this subject I have settled - I think :) on importing video in mpeg2 format. All my videos will be at full PAL resolution 720 x 576 and playback quality seems quite good.

Interestingly, keeping the video interlaced as if exporting for a normal DVD allows me to embed it into a standalone exe file whereas converting to progressive - as I imagined would be best for a computer display -forced me to have a separate video file. Trying to embed the progressive video gave a plain blue screen and no video ! :)

Is there any practical limit to the size of an exe file? Or is it feasible to have a number of separate exe files when making up a large multi chapter and multi page publication? My work will include several hundred photography images and a number of vidoes at full resolution so I imagine each project will fill a data DVD.

Or would it be better to accept not having the videos embedded in order to keep the overall exe file size down? All other elements such as still images and sound could still be embedded.


Peter Phelan
The Imaging Company Ltd

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