Digital Workshop

Creator 6 file corruption
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Author:  Durk [ March 5th, 2008, 10:45 am ]
Post subject:  Creator 6 file corruption

Major bug in Creator 6
Saved project files become corrupted and will not load into creator
6, thus loosing all my work.( I guess it could be a path updating fault
within creator 6) Fortunately I can use Creator 5 to load the project
and save using Creator 5 which then seams to correct the Creator 6
fault for a time. As this has happened twice now, I have lost confidence
with Creator 6 and wait in nervous anticipation for the next occurance of
this fault.
I should'nt have to use creator 5 for this "work round"
Also line style variations in Creator 6, will not show on screen or
in selction menue. I can only use solid line and one variation style
(large dots).
system running XP.
Please help, as Creator 5 will not publish multiframes in DVD
publishing mode. I need Creator 6 to publish multiframes.

Regards D.Bailey

Author:  Lar_123 [ March 5th, 2008, 10:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

Suggest you email DW tech support directly. It may or may-not be an application issue.

Let them know a bit about what the pub does (type of presentation and what effects being used).

Very important to them will be your systems specs.... hrdw, OS, and such.

In the meantime, if you have access to some of DW's sample publications for Creator 6, you might try modifying one of those and Save-As. Keep modifying a few things and then saving, testing. Try noting any difference in publication settings, resource paths, etc. between your own and the samples.

( In using Opus app, I've stumbled on a few 'gotchas'. But DW staff has pretty well pinpointed the cause and put me on the right track -- for the more technical or 'app fault' problems. A simple thing like messing up Bullet text seemed like a corrupted, over-sized file... easily resolved.)

good luck.

Author:  mackavi [ March 6th, 2008, 12:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'd second Lar's post.

There are several post in the Opus topic relating to people having problems of this nature - whether this is how people use Opus / their system setup or an Opus bug is uncertain but the advice people offer is pretty sound on avoiding / dealing with this mishap.

If the problem continues then use the contact DW via the help menu in Creator as this will include the various hardware / software for your machine in the email.

The issue with the pen style does seem to be a problem as all I get is the first few lines and then blank :-?

If you can post / email a problematic IMP then we can test it on a different system if you haven't alreayd done so.


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