Digital Workshop

Video Control Buttons - won't do what they're told - SOLVED
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Author:  hardycapo [ February 11th, 2011, 12:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Video Control Buttons - won't do what they're told - SOLVED

Here's the problem.

I have some buttons controlling a video. Because the video is in flash, when a user hits 'play', I've put an end point in the video (this stops flash videos playing in a loop). Now when the video finishes I want to be able to hit the play button and have it start again. But it won't. Because there's an end point, I guess it just tries to play the from where it is - which is the end. I have to put in a 'reset' button. Is there any way round this. I've tried putting a 'synch to end' trigger and reset action but it doesn't work.

Thanks in advance.

It's okay people, solved it.

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