Digital Workshop

Out of synch video and Creator Compression
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Author:  hardycapo [ February 17th, 2011, 3:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Out of synch video and Creator Compression

I've created this project with 50 or so pages, each with about four videos on.

The resulting published exe plays fine on my computer. But when I give it to somebody else he suffers video and audio moving out of synch.

Would using the compression settings (compressing the exe more or less) while publishing, make it friendlier to slower computers?

Author:  mackavi [ February 18th, 2011, 9:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Out of synch video and Creator Compression

Possibly, through some more information might lead to better suggestions.

How slow is this other computer?
-OS, processor, memory

How are the videos configured?
-Do they play simultaneously?
-Are they chroma, on-top or rendered?
-What dimensions are they?
-What format are they?
-What bitrate are they?

What about the publication?
-Is the default compression used?
-Are the videos embedded?
-What media is the publication running from?

From experience, my money would be on the encoding or codecs, but without knowing more it's difficult to point you in a specific direction.


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