Digital Workshop

Opus Creator executable communicate with web scripts
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Author:  stefangas [ July 6th, 2011, 10:08 am ]
Post subject:  Opus Creator executable communicate with web scripts


Is it possible to script from within Opus Creator or Opus Pro so that a published executable will communicate with web scripts? E.g. using usernames and passwords with an online database?

I can handle the POST DATA option pretty good when working with Opus Creator, a published swf and php scripts. But I would really like to consider doing something similar from within executables, if at all possible.


Author:  mackavi [ July 6th, 2011, 4:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Opus Creator executable communicate with web scripts

Hi Stefangas,

I think your asking if a standalone (EXE) can communicate with a PHP or ASP script?

If this is the case, then yes - it's the same as if you create a Opus Flex or Plexus publication.


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