Digital Workshop

Creating memory game
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Author:  Erikh [ February 16th, 2013, 5:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Creating memory game

Does anyone know how to build a memory game (matching images) in Opus Creator and/or have a manual how to create one, please? I have tried to find out how the farmyard pairs game works, but I did not succeed. I am using Opus Creator 8.04.
Thanks in advance. Erik.

Author:  Graham Baglin [ February 17th, 2013, 11:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Creating memory game


A memory game ....

Do you want to have a number of images on the screen and then have the user select an image which then shows, and then the user selects a second image which shows as well. If the images match, the images stay but if the images don't match, the images turn over and then the user has to select another two images trying to pair matching images.

Is that the type of memory game you have in mind?

Other questions leap to mind

Is your proposed memory game for kids or adults?
How many images would you want on screen?


Before you start, you really need to plan exactly what you want to create and then if you need assistance, tell forum members exactly what kind of help is needed.

There are quite a few tutorials in the tutorial section of this forum that may be useful to you.

I doubt if anyone here has written a manual on how to create a memory game using Creator, but I'm sure if anyone has, then will soon let you know via this forum.



Author:  Erikh [ February 18th, 2013, 8:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Creating memory game

Hello Graham,

Thanks for your reply.
The type of memory game you describe is the one I mean. The games I would like to create are meant for children. I want to use them for speech and language therapy. There should be about 36 pictures/cards maximum on the screen. Once a card is clicked, it should turn and show a picture. While turning the name of the picture will sound. The turned image must stay visible until a second card is clicked and shows its picture. If the pictures match, they stay visible, if not they will turn back again. When a new game starts the cards must shuffle. I have built games like this in JClic before.
In Creator I manage to make a card turn and play the sound, but I don't know how to make matching pictures stay visible and non-matching pictures turn back again.

I think the principle of programming this type of game does not depend on the number of cards, or am I wrong? Once I know how to create a game with 2 or 3 pairs, I think I can figure out how to create a game with more pairs.
Can you or someone else give me some hints, please?

Kind regards,


Author:  mackavi [ February 19th, 2013, 12:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Creating memory game

Lots of logic and lots of IFs. Some notes:

Opus 8 can shuffle positions so that should be covered.

You need to id whether the turned card is the first or second

You need to record data on the turned card - such as it's face value for comparison to the other card face and it's unique identifier such as card twelve and that it has been turned

You need to respond to the second card turned - if we're using actions, then perhaps call a custom trigger on a main object - like the page. This trigger can then cycle through a load of IFs checking all the cards in the deck for various conditions such as:

1. Is card turned?
2. Does value for card turned card match stored value for two cards selected?
3. If match above, disable card from further action and mark variables as found?
4. If #2 doesn't match - turn card back over.
5. record number of matches to know when to end game.

This is just a basic suggestion for the game using actions.


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