Digital Workshop

flex publication with video in one single file
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Author:  Isma [ January 17th, 2014, 12:21 pm ]
Post subject:  flex publication with video in one single file

When I publish in opus flex with a flash video on it the output is 2 files, one for the video alone.
How can I convert them to 1 single file? I need to publish in flex with flash video in one single file.

Author:  mackavi [ January 17th, 2014, 12:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: flex publication with video in one single file

A DW or a Flash expert may have to jump in here - but I don't think you can.

Flash is a frame-by-frame solution, and therefore you would have to convert the video to play across the frames (I think this option is possible in Flash itself) but otherwise, I think you have the video displayed on a single flash frame which is why you have the separate file.


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