Digital Workshop

Variable Array
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Author:  ceejames [ November 13th, 2014, 8:19 am ]
Post subject:  Variable Array

Could not find a resource explaining variable array, most importantly how to get the information out of the array. Figured out how to create the variable array and I am guessing the index gives you slots, So how do you store in those slots and get what is stored in those slots out.

Want to create an array variable where user puts in various title headers in, and save and load so it persistent between running the app

So think it would be something like
Variable Array: Titledata
so input to Titledata slot 1 - Main title
...Slot 2 - secondary title

Then use insert array right click option to insert array but did not show variable array I setup? So then I tried....

Tried using Set Array variable and storing that index position to another variable to use as title on button to be used on show but the original typed text disappeared and nothing appeared on button.

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