Digital Workshop

Opus 9.51
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Author:  FriLigt2 [ December 17th, 2014, 4:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Opus 9.51

After re-installing Opus 9.51 I got a error:
"Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library" and the program crashed. Not once but several times.

No idea what to do.

Author:  mackavi [ December 17th, 2014, 11:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Opus 9.51

I don't run Creator but downloaded the latest update and it seems to install and run without issue.

Things to try:

1. Download update again in case it's corrupt.

2. Registry reset for Opus:

Click the shortcut/icon for OPUS, then immediately hold down the ALT and CLT keys until you see a window which asks if you want to RESET the OPUS Registry

3. Window system restore

4. Search for 'problems' in the help and read the various topics.


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