What does everyone think about a new forum for collaborators to meet, share ideas etc...
Both creative and commercial...?
Edited. 24 March
It's a curiously low turn-out - votes/views is around 15%. Some views are obviously returners like myself to see how the voting is going (I've been here about 6 times) - maybe the 13 people who want it may be returning to check progress too. But allowing for that, there are people viewing but not voting.
I'm thinking I should have included another option in the poll (unfortunately not editable):
"I never vote in polls"
heh heh
It's great that there are 12 other people out there who are interested. That's a good number. I'm looking forward to hearing about the different skills, areas of expertise and ideas that everybody has.
I've asked Paul Harris for a forum - under Community... soooooo.....
que sera.....