Over the years there have been some posts on speech, text-to-speech, and voice-overs. I have to own up to having posted a few of these.
Some weeks back, I started a major project that will take 12 months or more. Normally I record my own voices overs, but in a big project I find that boring, and I pity the users for having to listen to my voice.

I had to find another solution, and I believe I have done so -- certainly to my satisfaction.
The process is simple but needs a lengthy explanation, so I won't post it here. However, if anyone is interested, email me at
speech@jeelan.com.au and I'll get back to you.
This process has the capacity for huge variation. I started with base voices for a female and a male. So far, I've only needed to create 2 additional female and 2 additional male voices, thus allowing me to create instructional dialogues. I haven't yet fine-tuned these voices, but plan on doing so.
The attached file contains brief examples in .mp3 format.
The attachment is a plexus standalone pub -- so you'll need the plug-in if it's not already installed.
EDIT: Thanks to those who have asked. Yes I know about and have used Text Aloud for many years. TA formed the basis of the sample sound files I posted.