Those of you who are long term users of Opus and formerly Illuminatus will need no introduction to Jim Wolfmeyer.
I started with Illuminatus in 1998, found the forum, and soon became familiar with Jim's star personality, quirky good humour and helpfulness. Like all of you I was saddened to hear of his passing. It was my intention to write a few lines of commemorative verse to add to the tributes that poured in but Jim had a powerful way of communicating and the strength of his personality came through and the verse turned into a country song. Ol' Jim (Magic in Them Feet)
It has taken me a few years and a lot of setbacks but it has now been recorded in Nashville by George Clark (no relation) and is now available as a digital download from iTunes etc..
The full story of how a thrown away banknote led to discovering Illuminatus and how the song came to be written can be read here. ... -feet.html
If you listen to it and like it, I would appreciate a review on the download sites.
Best wishes
William Clark ... 0&s=143444