Thanks for taking the time to reply. I quote from a message from Paul Harris, Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 8:56 am, in which I understand him to be leaving the possibility open for producing video tutorials:
However, we are still considering the inclusion of some tutorial videos as I'm very aware we look as though we are lacking something. They will be created in Opus of course and I'm thinking we'll concentrate where we can introduce key functionality whilst demonstrating a real world solution AND highlight a feature or a possibility users might not be immediately aware of. This would make the video of use at all levels and make it productive for all.
If anyone has any suggestions about what we should cover in video tutorials I'd welcome the suggestions for open discussion and will set up a new thread to this end.
Paul Harris
I was simply requesting information as to what decision had been made. I recall that I was not the only one interested in video tutorials.
I am not writing this to cause any upset, either. I do find your suggestions to ‘do the maths’ and consider commercial reality to be a tad patronising. As a paying customer of DW, my money is as good as any other customer’s; I just happen to feel strongly that having tutorial material available would help me in using the product for which I paid good money (I develop and deliver courses at a British university and do have some knowledge of learning needs and styles, BTW).
If it is not viable for DW to produce video tutorials then I would be happy to have some final word from DW on this.
I have raised the question because I am at the start of the implementation stage of a major e-learning CD-ROM, and have to decide whether to build it in Opus or in Runtime Revolution. I was therefore wanting to have an outstanding query settled before making my decision.
And BTW, mate, I make my living (and live) in London, so don’t lecture me about commercial reality!

Thanks all the same for taking the time to reply. No hard feelings.