I've been following a couple recent posts*, and started exploring PHP, database, and HTML or Flash too... given new v7 directions.
*forum post: The NEW flash for V7 does it allow varriables to work on flash web site ???? viewtopic.php?t=3904
I am kind of an SQLite fan, early stage anyway. While I've tested it with Opus for a PC pub, I had not done anything on the server side so far. But here are a couple links from my current searches.
PHP 5.x + SQLite + "Phar" http://stanlemon.net/index/php-phar-sqlite.html Quote:
You can store non-PHP files in a Phar, like for example a Sqlite database. Just recently I wondered why I couldn't just have the Phar copy of an app install itself. If it has write access to the folder it is in (which normally it should for other tasks), then I should be safe to extract out the sample database and place it in a location I can work with it. If my database is designed correctly, it is such that it will work as soon as my app connects to it. Together with Phar then, I have an automatically distributed and updated application that is capable of installing itself! That's pretty exciting.
Now the odd thing is, that sounds pretty good to me. BUT I DON'T UNDERSTAND IT. "SQLite is bundled with PHP 5.x"
While reading some of this I checked my web host. Great! They support PHP 5.x. I 'enabled it' via the control panel. Easy. Now I just have to figure out what I can do with it.
Instructional on PHP & SQLite, with some code examples: http://www.docstoc.com/docs/8263077/SQLite-and-PHPOnto more...
I came across this article/blog. It talks about picking up Twitter tweet feeds and popping them into one's webpage. Nothing I am interested in, but I thought the coding discussion was interesting. (also mentions 'parsing' .html pages as .php). Sounds like the update speed would not be fast enough for Al Barnes' gaming application. Anyway, thought I would just pass it along. http://scriptplayground.com/tutorials/p ... -With-PHP/Quote:
only looking for the latest tweet, so we will use the rpp parameter Twitter has made for us to limit our results to a single tweet: our latest tweet.
http://search.twitter.com/search.atom?q ... Barr&rpp=1.
Curious if these topics spark any creative or productive ideas in conjunction with OpusPro?