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 Post subject: Help DW "tune-up" documentation??
PostPosted: April 13th, 2008, 2:23 am 

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Hi All,

I find I sometimes spin my wheels far too long when I think I am following the Help files and examples, but am 'missing something'.

Perhaps we can call help by collecting "documentation issues" in one place. Simplistically, it seems to me there are:
* errors and omissions (including undocumented features)
* inconsistencies among different reference sources, or between citations.
* lack of clarity (albeit, may be subjective)
* OUR suggestions for better Examples.

I look forward to inclusion with an Opus v7.x in another year or two... ?? One can hope.

_good things come to those who wait(0)_

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 Post subject: Help files - UnregisterEventHandler()
PostPosted: April 13th, 2008, 2:31 am 

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For OpusScript, certain documentation shows CAPS/spelling differently for:


It is diff in Script Help file vs. Opus Editor [Organizer's Script Tab] Lookup area. I haven't checked the Manual.

I'd also like to see some 'guidance' where to place that command. That is, inside a function or outside when using 'forks'. One way I get error "function not found". The other way I get "Syntax error" in script editor, but it seems to run okay. Note: not looking for 'solution' here. Just commenting on 'Help'.

--OpusPro v6 2007

_good things come to those who wait(0)_

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 Post subject: A few undocumented commands for OpusScript
PostPosted: April 14th, 2008, 9:06 am 

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There's a good discussion here of some undocumented or hard to find commands for OpusScript. Posting threadlink here so others can find and DW can follow up on it.

and some Array functions

_good things come to those who wait(0)_

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: May 27th, 2008, 9:28 pm 

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Adding a few to the list.

1. Scripting... File Writes.
The "trick" here was to add the true or false for quote in the write to/read from scripts. Left blank, it seemed to cause the encryption to fail. Once filled in, it worked.
Help files say the parameter for 'Encrypt' is optional, but apparently it needs to be declared. Possibly related commands have similar issues.

2. Scripting... some extra "Math type" functions.
modulo.... % has come up a few times
Use the modulo operator (%);
example. 5 % 2 = 1

3. Custom triggers, custom actions
The basic explanations are I suppose 'correct'. Personally, I'd like to see a bit more walkthru or some concrete examples that really tie it together. Maybe some more 'hints' or why and when to use them.


_good things come to those who wait(0)_

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: January 30th, 2010, 6:30 am 

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Yeah. "Modulo" and "CharCodeAt()" made it into the Help files.

Good job, DW.

_good things come to those who wait(0)_

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 Post subject: Help file help
PostPosted: February 7th, 2010, 1:25 pm 

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It's funny how things turn up. On getting version 7 I decided it was time to read the Help file end-to-end before I started my next project. Like most Forum members I tended to read it only when I got stuck. It's amazing what you forget that Opus can do. As I'm going through it I was making a note of errors to pass onto DW, but as the topic has been started and I know that DW looks at the comments regularly, I'll post what I've found so far in the Opus Help file (not the OpusScript Help file):

Opus Script Additions

OpusScript now offers a strict equality comparison to check the object type as well as the content. (misplaced entry)

Go to a specific frame in a tween animattion and stop playing the tween (misspelling)

QuickScript Functions –Overview
Randomly shuffles the frames within a master frame – ideal for displaying multiple choice answers in a different order each time the page is viewed. The idea is that you place the (partial sentence)

Fade Cycle - will fade each object in a frame to a particular level an back. (partial word)

Spin Cycle – cycles a 360degree rotation through the objects in a frame (missing space)

Getting Started
Opus also provides a Master Page*pop_defMasterPage feature (brings up variable declarations in help file)

Creating New Galleries
On the third page of the wizard, use the Create an empty gallery option if you want to create a gallery but have no resources you currently want to add to it. Click on the Next button to continue, this will take you to the final page of the wizard (point 10 below). There is no point 10

Overview of Publication Types
The Publication Types are:
%Opus_Flex_Introduction Introducing Opus FlexOpus_Flex_Introduction (see above)

DirectX Exclusive – This allows you to create a DirectX publication. The published version of your publication is always full screen (i.e. the desktop is not visible) and is directly controlled by your video, graphic and sound cards on your machine. This is particularly useful if your publication is mainly video or graphically based, as control is giving to the cards directly and will run more efficiently. ('given')

Overview of Opus Flex
1. Flash has several different "types" of text depending on the use of the text. The most important distinction is between static and dynamic text. The former will not be changed at runtime so if you want to display variables or the results of calculations you must ensure that dynamic text is used. Opus has an option on the text properties tab for you to change these settings if the Auot setting does not work. (misspelling)

Publishing a Video Creator publication
The first time you create a video a warning message will appear to remind you to set and exit point or total time for the video to run. If you do not set an exit point or total time the video export process will continue indefinitely until the available disc space is used up, or the Windows file size limit (4Gb for NTFS drives or 2Gb for FAT32 drives) is reached. (an)

Animation with Tweens
Tween Object Overview

The twen process can then tween the colour change too! (misspelling)

Most of the Help file is fine. I haven't finished reading it all yet so I'll post anything else I find later. As Lar_123 suggests, I'm sure that DW will welcome the help.


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 Post subject:
PostPosted: February 12th, 2010, 10:47 am 

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Thanks Paul, these have been fixed, sorry you had to bring them to our attention. In fact, I took a look over this and found lots more errors of this type so I wouldn't want you to waste your time going through it. We'll have to go over this again. Wait until the next update and then let us know what we've missed.

What would be useful is if anyone spots syntax or example mistakes in the Script help. Just email and we'll get them fixed. We're looking to improve the examples anyway because most are little more than repetition of the syntax.

Paul Harris

Managing Director
Digital Workshop

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 Post subject: Thanks for the reply
PostPosted: February 12th, 2010, 3:12 pm 

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No problem. I'll wait until the next update to help with 'proof-reading' the help file. I only posted them here because the topic came up and I thought it would be helpful for other forum members to look out for such errors too. I agree, sadly like many help files it does read like a dictionary at times and forum users are often asking for examples to demonstrate how to implement the program's functions. I'll see if I can come with some examples that might help people to use the product better and forward them to I'm only too glad to help support the Opus product as it has served me very well for many, many years now.


Opus 9.6
HP xw6600 Workstation, Intel64 , Intel(R) XEON(R) CPU E5430 2.7GHz, RAM 8GB, NVIDIA Quatro K600, Samsung SSD 840 Pro Series: 238.5GB , 2 x 1TB HDD, 2 x PnP Generic monitors
Living a long, healthy, happy & prosperous life!

For this message pc_amethyst has been thanked by : mackavi

 Post subject: Re: Help DW "tune-up" documentation??
PostPosted: April 16th, 2010, 9:21 am 

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In OpusScript help file, under Topic SetINIFileData, the example LINK info reads as follows:
In the example below, the command should be typed on one line. Note the use of double backslashes (\\) and not single backslashes to denote a new folder. The Return Value for the variable KeyValue will be the value of the Name key in section 2 of the INI file named 3d.ini.

var KeyValue = GetINIFileData("C:\\Program Files\\Illuminatus Opus Pro\\Transitions\\3d\\3d.ini", "2", "Name")

FYI, the Topic in the tree seems to give the correct information.

When talking about INI commands and Examples, why not show part of the INI file/structure within the example or the explanation.

_good things come to those who wait(0)_

For this message Lar_123 has been thanked by : mackavi

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