mackavi wrote:
I checked this morning on a clean machine (XP - IE) and the plug-in downloaded and installed correctly.
As, it said, it was checked under XP - and worked and still works fine. The exception is the Plethos program which has been republished and will probably not run under the plug-in available on-line.
As for W7, Opus 6.4 and associated Plexus have not been confirmed W7 compatible. They worked under Vista, last time I checked, but we (Interaktiv) were not specifically offering them as Vista games simply because BECTA was advising UK schools not to uptake that operating system.
That said, W7 will download and install the public version of Plexus under W7 (x86) if you tell IE8 that it's a valid activeX and ignore or turn of UAC. FF & the like require the manual install which falls foul of the dreaded OCX issue but a manual hack is possible and to say it again - Opus 6.4 Plexus wasn't designed for W7.