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 Post subject: Flex Scorm Error
PostPosted: June 30th, 2010, 2:41 pm 

Joined: January 10th, 2005, 11:08 am
Posts: 63
Location: Birmingham, United Kingdom
Opus: All between ver Pro XE 4.5 and Ver 9.62
OS: Windows XP Pro SP3
System: Intel Core2 Duo 2.67Ghz, Matrox Millennium G550 dual head graphics card
Following a long absence struggling with other products (non as good as Opus) I have returned to try and produce some SCORM Flex content.
I have designed a test publication, however when I publish it I get the following three warning lines in the Publish Dialogue window:
Warning: Warning: OpusScript function 'GetPublication' not supported in Flex
Warning: Warning: Script uses name 'Command' that differs only in case from 'command' used in 'Script Object 'User SCORM Functions''
Warning: Warning: OpusScript function 'IsPreview' not supported in Flex
Warning: Warning: OpusScript function 'OpenFile' not supported in Flex

Now, to be fair, when the SCO is uploaded to the LMS it looks like it is working, but I am worried that something under the SCORM bonnet (hood) is going to go wrong.
Is my worry unnecessary?

5th July - After a fraught weekend going through the test production from top to bottom I now understand why 'IsPreview' and 'OpenFile' are in the script. I guess the warning about 'command' is there as variables are case sensitive, however I am still stuck on 'GetPublication'. I understand the functionality of the command however I cannot see why it is included in the Flex version of the script.

Andy Thompson
Opus Pro XE 4.5, Pro 5.5, Ver 6, Ver 7, Ver 8.6, Ver 9.62
Windows XP Pro on an Intel Core2 Duo 2.67Ghz with a Matrox Millennium G550 LP PCIe dual-head card.

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