Thank you for your enquiry.
The following procedure should allow you to create the desired effect:
- Create two blank new pages, then double-click on
Page 1 in the Organiser pane to open it for editing
- Select the
Video tool and draw your video object to the required size and position
- In the Video Properties, set the Video to play once (we'll loop the video using actions later on) and to start automatically
- Click
Apply and
OK to confirm the changes
- Now add a
Button to the page
- In the Button Actions, apply a
Set Variable action
- Click
New to create a new variable named 'continue' and give it an initial number value of zero. Click
OK to confirm the change
- Edit the Set Variable action to set this 'continue' variable to 1
- Click
Apply and
OK to confirm the changes
- Now right-click on the
Video object and select Edit Actions
- Apply a
Synchronise to End trigger and select the Video object in the list shown. Click
Apply to confirm the selected object
- Apply an
If statement which checks to see if 'continue' is equal to 1
- Apply a
Go To Page action which takes the user to Page 2
- Now highlight the
If statement you applied earlier
- Apply an
Else condition
- Apply a
Play Video action, select the appropriate video object to play and enable the
Start option
- The action list should look like the following:
- Click
Apply and
OK to confirm the changes
- Preview the publication. The video should loop continuously, but when you click on the button, the publication will wait for the video to finish before advancing to the next page.
I hope this helps. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further queries.
Kind regards,