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 Post subject: Encoding a URL in UTF-8
PostPosted: November 27th, 2013, 12:34 pm 

Joined: February 12th, 2005, 3:42 pm
Posts: 28
Location: Switzerland
Opus: 9
OS: Windows 7 Enterprise
Nov. 28 : I solved the problem. Thanks!


Hi All,

I use an API and the adequate URL to get words pronounced by
From my Windows Opus app, I use 'Play Sound' with the URL to get the audio of my words. It works.
For English words, no problem. But for German words with letters like ü or ö it creates confusion. The same URL manually written to works fine.
I guess the 'Play Sound' doesn't interpret correctly those special letters like ü or ö when it reads a URL.
I would then like to encode that URL in UTF-8 before I get 'Play Sound' to read it.
I know there is a encoreURI(uri) javascript function working for web sites, but I don't know to do the same in a Windows app.

Can somebody teach me? I am not a specialist with scripting / javascript.

Thanks in advance!

Winfried - Geneva


Opus Pro 7 - Vista 32 Family Ed. Premium - HP pavillon dv6000 - Core 2 duo 1.6Ghz - RAM 2GB - Nvidia Go 7400

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