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 Post subject: LauchFile pre-checks
PostPosted: August 5th, 2006, 12:59 pm 

Joined: July 13th, 2006, 1:14 pm
Posts: 3
Hey everyone,

Just reached that critical point in any project where the information a user enters needs to be critical for a project to work.

What im currently trying to do is get the user to enter information of where an .exe file is. This is then used in another program, to allow that exe to be launched. My problem is that i want to scrutinise data that is entered in by the user, and i want to pre-check a file exists, so it eliminates the need to have "sorry that file couldent be found"

currently i have a test rig thats the same as the help file example under LauchFile().

var Fname = SYSTEM_WIN_DIR + "\\notepad.exe"
var Params = SYSTEM_PUBLICATION_DIR + "\\readme.txt"
LaunchFile(Fname, Params)

This works, but if anyone knows how i could check that notepad.exe, and readme.txt exits before running the LaunchFile() command that would be great.

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PostPosted: August 7th, 2006, 2:12 pm 

Joined: January 10th, 2005, 11:08 am
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Opus: All between ver Pro XE 4.5 and Ver 9.62
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Have you tried 'reading' the file into a variable, and then testing if that variable is empty or not. I have used this method in the past and found that it works for most files. I have only set it up in the action window with 'Read from disk file to <variable>' and then using an If statement to test the variable. I would think in script it would be something like:
var CHECK=OpenFile(SYSTEM_WIN_DIR\\notepad.exe)
if(CHECK=" ")
{ does not exist statement }
{ does exist statement}

Hope this helps

Andy Thompson
Opus Pro XE 4.5, Pro 5.5, Ver 6, Ver 7, Ver 8.6, Ver 9.62
Windows XP Pro on an Intel Core2 Duo 2.67Ghz with a Matrox Millennium G550 LP PCIe dual-head card.

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PostPosted: August 7th, 2006, 3:06 pm 

Joined: October 26th, 2004, 10:23 am
Posts: 666
Location: Digital Workshop
Just use the FileExists() script function. From the help:

FileExists( Filename )

A number indicating the state of the file:
Value  Meaning
0      the file does not exist
1      the file exists
2      the file exists but is read-only

Filename – the full pathname of the file to test for. This parameter is required.

This function will test if a specified fileexists at the given location.
This function will only work in the full player - not the screensaver, web plug-in or Flex.

ddww Opus Developer

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