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 Post subject: Publication Vs Page Properties: Overloading Opus 5.5?
PostPosted: August 24th, 2006, 2:43 pm 

Joined: August 14th, 2006, 9:48 am
Posts: 1
Location: Stevenage
Hi there

I wonder if anyone can help; I've had a good look through the forum and I'm not sure about this one. Haven't posted anything on Digital Grapevine before but have been using Opus for the last 2 years.

I'm currently building an Opus Professional presentation, linking to an Access Database and pulling in text from fields and tables within.

A lot of the field content is over 255 characters long, so the fields are all set as Meno fields. I've created probably over 100 variables, all as Publication variables rather than page properties.

I am finding that the presenation is crashing quite a lot when run - it works for a while and then blips out.

Q1. Do I have too many publication variables, loaded with text, and this is why it keeps falling over?

Q2. Should I change most of my variables to page varaibles so that Opus doesn't need to keep all the contents in memory?

This is my best guess as to why it's unstable - I've tried publishing as single executable, executable with single data file and exe with data for each page and this hasn't made any difference either.

If anyone's had this experience and can help or knows if I'm right / wrong, please help!

Cheers 8)

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