Hi DemoFred.
I know i can accomplish this with an transparent overlaying window (always on top), because i already made this. This works, but the problem was that my main page, didn't react to my keyboard input anymore. That was now focused to the overlaying page.
I did this because the transparent ( it contains a overlaying frame with text) window contains an RSS reader, which shows the latest news.
I want this to show information, even if the main page changes to another page ( which it does very regularly).
I never thought of the layout function, but the overlay (rss) must only be shown after the publication had some idle time. So in the same presentation I need full pages, and pages with this rss reader in it. So using a certain layout is also not the solution (i think... )
I already have a solution.
On the overlaying transparent page, i used a EventTrigger, which sets a global variable to the key that was pressed.
On the pages that need user input, i set a "variabel changed" trigger. Then i evaluate the global variable, and can run actions (functions).
This way i transfered the keyPresses from that window with the focus, to the underlying page.
code from the transparent page:
* Keypresses
* Deze functie zorgt ervoor dat de toetsaanslagen op het bovenliggende RSS window
* doorgegeven worden aan de presentatie. De variabele glob_keyPressed veranderd:
* In de pagina's kan dan de trigger 'on variable changed' gebruikt worden, om acties te genereren.
RegisterEventHandler( 'keydown', keyPressed )
function keyPressed(property)
glob_keyPressed = property.key;