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 Post subject: Scoring Text Input
PostPosted: January 9th, 2007, 5:30 am 

Joined: January 21st, 2005, 2:53 am
Posts: 26
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Some years back I wrote an assessment package that amongst the normal T&F's etc, evaluated the user's input based on keywords contained in the users text input variable. This was easily achieved as Iluminatus / Opus (not sure which one) enabled you to list the key words in a score action to be evaluated.

I am now attempting to develop another assessment pack and plan on doing the same thing however I am unable to find the action - it would appear this function/action has been removed, can anyone enlighten me as to why, or have I missed it? :?

I guess I can achieve a similar outcome through nested "If" statements as actions or through a script, however the existing function made life easier.

Thanks in advance


Don Tomkins

Kingsmere Pty Ltd

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PostPosted: January 9th, 2007, 11:33 am 

Joined: October 26th, 2004, 10:23 am
Posts: 666
Location: Digital Workshop
I'm not sure exactly what you are trying to do - are you attempting to see how many words (from a list of keywords) a given string contains?

This doesn't sound like anything we have ever had an action to perform, and we almost never remove features once they have been added.

As you say, this would be relatively simple to do in script or actions (though somewhat painstaking in the latter case).

Or I may be misunderstanding entirely...

ddww Opus Developer

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 Post subject: Select -> Case
PostPosted: January 9th, 2007, 2:29 pm 

Joined: October 25th, 2004, 2:20 pm
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Don --

Take a look at the OPUS feature called "Select - Case". Rather than nested IF statements, you can use "Select (Variable_Name)" to evaluate a Variable, then use a "Case (xxxx)" state followed by an Action for each possiblity (including incorrect spellings). It's one of the most powerful OPUS features. Here's a partial sample:

    Case (Jan)
       Set Variable (My_Long_Month_Name) = January
Case (Feb)
       Set Variable (My_Long_Month_Name) = February
Case (Mar)
       Set Variable (My_Long_Month_Name) = March

I evaluate the system variable which has a three character name for the current month, then give it its full, long name (e.g Jan = January). No need to use IF statements

Fred Harms, Extraordinary Demos
Naperville, Illinois (USA) 630/904-3636

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