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 Post subject: browser cache in Opus publication
PostPosted: February 8th, 2007, 4:46 pm 

Joined: December 22nd, 2004, 10:00 am
Posts: 29
Opus: Opus Pro 7.5
OS: Windows 7 32 bit on BootCamp
System: MacBook Pro, 3 GBytes RAM, Core2Duo T8300@2.4 GHz,
Dear all,

For a Flash publication (Opus Pro), is there anything that I should put in the Opus file settings that would force the browser to reload the flash file?

I am using Opus pro to make a Flash website.
This flash file (swf) is put into a single page which is index.htm
The flash file plays from inside this page. The flash file contains the whole web site.

Whenever I update the file, no one sees the new version unless they force the browser to clear the old cached files. Reloading pages does not work even after several times.

Anyone knows how to force the browser to reload page?
I used the following Meta tag, which also does not do anything.

meta http-equiv="PRAGMA" content="NO-CACHE"

Maybe there is something in the Opus file?

Many thanks

Dennis Zervas

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: February 13th, 2007, 12:17 pm 

Joined: October 26th, 2004, 10:23 am
Posts: 666
Location: Digital Workshop
I'm afraid I have never been able to find a way to force embedded page data to update if it is cached. The solution we use is simply to put a number on the end of the filename and change that each time you publish.

This adds a small amount of work if you are embedding the file in some other page rather than the generated index, but it does ensure everyone will get the current version.

ddww Opus Developer

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