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 Post subject: Web video & variables
PostPosted: July 25th, 2005, 11:08 am 

Joined: January 17th, 2005, 11:06 am
Posts: 4
I am using Pro XE

I want to make 50+ short videos available on the web for users to choose and then play.

I am happy with creating an application that allows the user to select the video, this will end up with the video name being held in a variable. This is where the problem starts.

Opus will not allow the use of variables in the video window for web publications, each video must be referenced directly, thereby lies the challenge.

I have found some workarounds, but neither do precisely what I want:
1) Multiframes each with a video player in, but I must have one for every video, and IO loads the first video on the page even if I don;t want it.

2) Browser pointing to the file on the web, but this opens up an external meduia player, I want the video embedded in the page.

Any other thoughts?

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