I'm trying to play several sound files from the harddrive simultaneously and control the volume of each sound independently. But no matter how I play around with the script it seems to play the sounds using "auto" default channel.
I want to play the file "01-ins1.mp3" on channel 5.
I use the following script to give the audio file the alias name of "AudioIns1":
AudioIns1 = SYSTEM_PUBLICATION_DIR + "\\01-ins1.mp3"
I use the following script (I tried with and without spaces) to play the audio file on channel 5:
PlaySound( AudioIns1, preload=true, times=1, volume=50, start=0, finish=-1, fadeIn=0, fadeOut=0, stop=false, channel=5, wait=false)
And I also tried (with and without spaces)...
PlaySound( AudioIns1, true, 1, 50, 0, -1, 0, 0, false, 5, false)
The audio file plays okay, but all of the other PlaySound parameters seem to be stuck on default. How do I get the channel parameter to function properly?
I am using Opus Pro 5.5. Thank you for any help.