I am having a problem with certain links after having published and am having a terrible time figuring out why it is happening. Any help would be appreciated. Here's the way it goes:
I have a series of flash based presentations that were created in Captivate. I am displaying them within an Opus application through a browser window on a "Presentation Page". On this page it is set to navigate to a presentation through a variable <presentationlink>.
So on a page there is information which the student sees. On the page there are hotlinks for the student to view a presentation. Clicking the link sets the variable to the desired file location of the html file for the presentation and then goes to the "presentation page".
This has worked all along when I previewed the application. Prior to publishing I changed each link to <PUBLICATION_CD_DRIVE>\presentations\appropriate folder\html file. Then I publish, create distribution files, copy files as well as the Presentation folder and all of its subfolders. When I run the application everything works except for these presentations. When I click the link it goes to the presentations page and a standard browser error message appears in the browser window.
I have checked and double checked the file names and all syntax.
I have one of the presentations open in a browser window on its own page (without using the presentations page and variable link) and it DOES work so I do not believe it is the content (HTML or Flash) that is causing it.
I have other content in the presentation folder on the CD and this works.
I have pulled out most of my hair and don't know what to do next.
Any thoughts?
Is there any reason this method would work in preview mode but not after it is actually published?
Opus Pro XE 5
Windows XP Pro
Pentium 4