If you can use opus-script, here's a method for calculating the age:
var birthDate = "120919826666"; // insert your userid here..
// Define current and birth dates
var cD = new Date() // current date
var bday = birthDate.substring(0,2) // get the day from string
var bmonth = birthDate.substring(2,4) // get the month from string
var byear = birthDate.substring(4,8) // get the year from string
// Get difference from current date (cD) and birthdate. Age = var age
var age = cD.getFullYear() - byear;
if( cD.getMonth() < (bmonth-1) ) age--;
if( cD.getMonth() == (bmonth-1) && cD.getDate() < bday) age--;
if( age < 18) var PARENTS = true;
Hope this helps..