Thank you for your enquiry.
There is a known issue whereby the HTML page into which the Opus publication has been embedded displays unwanted additional scrollbars. To resolve this, you can use a small intermediary HTML file to set the web page within a frame which has the correct properties. To do this:
- Please launch Notepad by clicking Start > Programs > Accessories > Notepad
- Copy and paste the following information into the new text file:
<frameset cols="*,100%" border="0">
<frame src="publication.htm" scrolling="no">
- You will need to edit the seventh line and change "publication.htm" so that it matches the name of the .htm file which was generated when you published your project
- Now click File > Save As... and save this with the filename index.htm
- Now upload index.htm, publication.htm and your original .ilm data file to your web server
The web page should first load in the index.htm which in turn pulls the information in publication.htm into a scrollbar-free frame and displays your publication.
I hope this helps. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further queries.
Kind regards,