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 Post subject: differences in Pub variables and OpusScript arrays
PostPosted: January 9th, 2005, 10:38 pm 
I am a little confused on the scope of OpusScript variables and Publication variables. Especially the use of arrays.

If I declare a Publication Varaiable Array and wish to process the array elements, let's say add elements, alter elements, ect. in OpusScript, how do I declare that variable in the script?

Also, how can I do math functions to Pub array elements without OpusScript? If that's not possible, how do I do it in OpusScript?

I guess I still need more information on how Publication variables relate to Opus Script variables.

Thank You!

 Post subject:
PostPosted: January 10th, 2005, 4:54 am 

Joined: November 28th, 2004, 6:05 am
Posts: 141
Location: USA
If an array has already been declared as a publication variable
then you can alter the individual elements directly in a script like this

let's say you want to set the first element of a array called "MyArray" to 2


MyArray[0] = 2


If you want to add 2 to the first element of MyArray


MyArray[0] = MyArray[0] + 2


If you want to get this done without script, it's a little more complicated
if you want to merely set the value of the first element of MyArray to 2 then

Actions dialog >> programming >> variables >> Set Array Variable
Variable = MyArray
Index = 0
Set this variable to the following = Number >> 2.00
Overwrite/Append = Overwrite current contents

If you want to add 2 to the first element of MyArray then you'll need
two actions.

Action1: Actions>>programming>>variables>>Set Variable to Expression
set var1 to expression MyArray[0]+2

Action2: Actions>>programming>>variables>>Set Array Variable
Variable = MyArray
Index = 0
Set this variable to the following = Variable >> var1
Overwrite/Append = Overwrite current contents


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 Post subject:
PostPosted: January 10th, 2005, 11:21 pm 
Beautiful, Chris! That is what I originally thought. Thanks for the reply. It answers a LOT of questions. I have now been successful in manipulating array elements soley in Script. That seems the way to go to iterate through numerous elements with better loop control!

Thnak you!

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