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 Post subject: Pass parameters into Flex pub
PostPosted: December 18th, 2009, 4:53 am 

Joined: July 12th, 2009, 10:33 am
Posts: 124
Does anyone know how to pass parameters into a Flex pub online? I've tried to adapt some of the suggestions for Flash found on the web (editing the html file and picking up the variables) but haven't been able to find a solution.
Many thanks

V9.6. Windows 10. Testing on PC, Mac, iPad.

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 Post subject: Flex
PostPosted: December 25th, 2009, 10:57 pm 

Joined: November 14th, 2009, 11:02 am
Posts: 24
Location: Barcelona (Catalonia,Spain)
Opus: v 7.04
OS: W7 Pro 64
System: Corei7/ Nvidia Quadro4000/ 12Gb

I am fairly new to the forums and seen your messages.. This is a message of solidarity
I also have long sought to understand the deep mysteries of the flash / flex (variables, strings, conversions, referencing ...) versus opus, and in many cases I have succeeded doing "tricks" as I read on the forums
I think I have some experience (and results) programming with OpusScript, but flex is a bit more complicated
and unpredictable.. I can not understand why the OpusScript functions supported by
Opus Flex does not always work. I hope these problems get fixed in version 7 !!

Note1: Over many years I have made many applications with Toolbook, Mediator, Swish, M. Director, VisualB, Delphi, Superbase4, .. and undoubtedly Opus is the most powerful, friendly and operational tool.

Note2: Excuse my English, I express better in Catalan, Spanish, French, .. even in Portuguese and Italian

Opus Pro 6.4 / Windos Xp Sp2 AMD Athlom 64x2Dual/Core Processor 5000+ 3..50 GB Ram/Ati Radeon X195
Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona ( Barcelona,Catalonia,Spain)

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