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 Post subject: motherboard number with opus script?
PostPosted: May 14th, 2011, 4:55 pm 

Joined: September 29th, 2006, 3:12 am
Posts: 39

does any one know how to get motherboard number from an opus script?
maybe this one?

Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2")
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_BaseBoard")
For Each objItem in colItems
Wscript.Echo objItem.SerialNumber
exit for

if yes , how I can insert it in an opus script? this script is too advanced for me

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 Post subject: Re: motherboard number with opus script?
PostPosted: May 16th, 2011, 9:04 am 
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Joined: March 21st, 2007, 10:44 am
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That isn't OpusScript - it's VBScript. I'm not sure if you're simply trying to drop that code directly into Opus, but if so, you can! Also the code doesn't work:

Create a VBS file and use:
strServer = "."

Set objWMI = GetObject("winmgmts://" & strServer & "/root\cimv2")
Set objInstances = objWMI.InstancesOf("Win32_BaseBoard",48)

On Error Resume Next
For Each objInstance in objInstances
    With objInstance
        WScript.Echo .SerialNumber
    End With
On Error Goto 0

However, you'll need to either run it from a command prompt and output to text or add a write to file feature into the script to get the serial number into a text file which can then be read by Opus.


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 Post subject: Re: motherboard number with opus script?
PostPosted: May 16th, 2011, 6:30 pm 

Joined: September 29th, 2006, 3:12 am
Posts: 39
yes , thanks, it works great, and it is precise,...but still I don't know to write the numeric result somewhere so after opus can read it.
:D :oops:

For this message sherif has been thanked by : mackavi

 Post subject: Re: motherboard number with opus script?
PostPosted: May 18th, 2011, 10:40 am 
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Joined: March 21st, 2007, 10:44 am
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Opus: Evolution
As I said above, you need to change the script to write to a text file rather than echo to screen. I also believe you can run this from command prompt and the echo will automatically write to the specified file. Whether this can be configured for Opus' launch action is another matter.

I don't program in VBScript, though I doubt it's difficult and I'm sure a quick google will throw up examples.

I'd image, that if you'd take the time to add a profile, then people will be more inclined to post specific Opus answers.


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 Post subject: Re: motherboard number with opus script?
PostPosted: May 18th, 2011, 1:17 pm 

Joined: November 11th, 2004, 1:18 pm
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Hi sherif,

Would it be possible for you to use server-side database storage for your motherboard data? If so, then you can use the post-web-data-action in Opus to connect with an ASP page (which can hold your VB script) or with a PHP page, which can insert/retrieve your data from a server side DB. If you need help with the VB script and ASP page, try this forum:

Hope this helps.



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