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 Post subject: Create a Command LIne Gui
PostPosted: May 3rd, 2020, 6:52 am 

Joined: December 1st, 2016, 5:33 pm
Posts: 14
Not sure whether this is possible, but have tried to use Launch File to run a command line exe. It's a simple command where I need to convert a file to a different format using a command "ls2ti3". The command is <ls2ti3 -v C:\Argyll_V2.1.1\FileToConvert.bcs C:\Argyll_V2.1.1\ConvertedFile> so I want to be able to choose the bcs file for conversion and enter into a text box or use a "save file as". So the -v verbose is not strictly necessary, but the other two, FileToConvert and ConvertedFile, are of course. The ls2ti3 runs directly form cmd line OK, so paths are all set. Basically want to make a simple gui.

Any help very much appreciated.

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