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 Post subject: saving/using a random shuffled array's index numbers
PostPosted: February 27th, 2024, 5:55 pm 

Joined: November 11th, 2004, 1:18 pm
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(for building the myPages array in JavaScript (Mack's helpful script) for landing pages based on GotoPage (randomly shuffled array's page number, r=0, r++), see viewtopic.php?f=4&t=6017)

Based on the myPages array, is there any way to use the new random shuffled array's index numbers to use in an Opus Script variable (s) to control an Opus Script slideshow?

After much experimenting/testing, found that the answer lies in using another of Mack's excellent scripts, utilizing DW setInstance.

(Pseudo-) JavaScript: Save myPages(r) or, since I need to show the myPage's next page image as a preview on the previous landing page, (myPages[r+1)>replacing anything other than the page number>converting to a number>saving to an Opus variable using DW setInstance>in Opus Script using that variable in slideshow.GotoSlide(variable).

Hope this helps someone else needing to do a similar task.

Best Wishes,


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