Hi Volga, welcome back to the forum.
It seems you are using an older version of Opus, no? I suggest you consider an upgrade to v6. It is quite stable and has lots of powerful features plus ease of use. Nicely designed and improved.
I can perhaps help with some questions for what works in v5.5 and v6. I find it not easy to answer "what is Best".
1. How best to implement both transitions: fade in and zoom? Method of timeline?
Transitions can be set at least 3 ways not including scripting.
- Object Properties has a TAB for transitions, to set the Default case.
- for Show or Hide actions, you may set transition type and parameters.
- specific actions, whether triggered or in timeline.
'Best' depends on if you want simple/easy effort, repeatable... or most control.
2. How to change in the object "text" the distance between letters and between lines?
Select TextObject, go into Properties. Go to text TAB. There find margin settings and paragraph formatting.
* I recommend creating a "master" example of your text object with font types and margin settings, etc... then copying that into a Component Gallery. Later, drag&drop from Gallery when you need that type of object.
3. It starts with animation in the project and need to enable the user to suspend by mouse click and go to the next page, but so far no end animation that is not possible.
You can set up a trigger and an action. Opus has action that is "Stop animation" and also "Pause/resume animation". If you use timeline, then I think you have an action to Stop or Pause a timeline.
4. Which way is best user can store their data? With databases is OK, but as realize to record variables to the file and then read it?
This is a 'best' question I cannot answer.
Please do a Search in this forum. Try different keywords. Write file, read file, read line, DB, database... you get the idea.
HINT: be logged-in... then you will see when contributor have attached sample files.
5. Where I can download more Opus examples: complex projects, scripts, games?
Forum tutorials.
Forum posts.... be logged in.
Opus/DW website >>> resources >>>
Upgrade to Opus v6, get examples included.
6. I would like to make a quiz. It use about one hundred GIF animations. You see 3 animation pictures and the question "who is on the picture?". One picture is correct. How it is better achieved? Can random load GIF?
Not my area of knowledge.
!!!! Unanswered: Database & File/Storage; Quiz & Gifs, randomizing.
Good luck.
Please update your profile to use a signature... to show Opus version and System specifications. It helps people to help.