You could probably even skip the serial number number bit - simply use the registered email address.
1. Customer buys licence online paying & providing their email.
2. DVD is insert into machine - and publication checks system for valid licence.
3. If no licence is found, machine connects to database, checks against email address provided by installer and create local licence file / key & updates DB fields.
Note: Above file / key is based on your requirements such as number of seats, expiry, etc.
4. Next time DVD is run, machine finds local file / key and process continues.
5. If DVD is run on different machine, then activation is required but as process as already happened on different machine value don't match and activation cannot proceed.
Note: You could also include a deactivation features for people to transfer to a different machine.
Note: As Paul says, use a hardware key. Opus' built in unique key seems tied to the OS installation, not the machine - which is a little unfair for multi-boot users.
_________________ When you have explored all avenues of possibilities, what ever remains, how ever improbable, must be the answer.
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