Good Morning
My publication has two consecutive pages each with a multiple choice question on it created by using the inbuilt question tool.
On the page after the second question page there is a feedback page. If the student gets zero correct, a text sign shows and a redo button shows
Clicking the redo button has a reset all variables action first and then a goto page second which takes the student back to the first multiple choice page.
The problem is that reset all variables doesn't reset all variables because it is not possible to get the first or second question correct on the second time around. Each question is marked as incorrect for some reason.
Looking at the picture below showing the variables attached to the first question you will notice there is no "Answered correctly" or "answered incorrectly" variable in the list but the If statement indicates there is such a variable. It also indicates there is a variable called "question1correct" but where is it?
I realise that the question tool templates have hardwired variable settings in them, but why can't Opus show the whole variable list in publication properties tab and why doesn't reset all variables reset the answered correctly or incorrectly variables?
The other possible cause of this problem could be that when the first question page is revisited, the button states are not being reset. There is no reset button states action to do this.
One way around this is to create duplicate brand new question pages that replicate the two pages just attempted but this adds to publication size, something to be avoided if possible.
The other way is to modify the question created by the Opus question tool which is what I will now do but wouldn't it be better to create a tool that creates easily modifiable questions if that is possible?