Hello, I'm a long time user of Opus Pro but haven't used it all for the last couple of years, no fault of Opus, but because my clients have no need for interactive pubs at this time. I come to you today asking for input from anyone who uses Opus Pro for software user assistance purposes. For a certain client, I used Opus Pro to create interactive tutorials that simulated working in their software product. We don't use those anymore. For years and years, i have been searching for technology that would allow me to create interactive guides that work with the client's software itself, rather than a simulation of the software. Picture this: pointers (such as arrows), callouts and captions that display on an invisible layer on top of the software and guide the user step-by-step through the process he is trying to perform in the software. Services like WalkMe now exist, but for websites and web apps, not for desktop applications, which is what I would need. A few years back, I tried to create such a system in Opus Pro. I was actually able to create a basic system that worked, using invisible page backgrounds, hotspots, variables, etc. But it was very restrictive, because clients would have to have their screen resolutions set at a certain size and they couldn't drag their windows around or the hotspots on the invisible overlays wouldn't be positioned correctly.
Anyway, I eventually gave up on the idea, and today I thought I'd pop in here and ask if any of you have been able to create anything similar to what I wanted using Opus Pro. If not, I'd sure love to hear about any interesting methods you folks might have employed in the area of interactive help or guided help using Opus.
Thanks, Michael
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