Linda wrote:
Is there an action to control the system audio on the pc?
I'd like to be able to mute someone's pc - and un-mute it.
I have a number of slides with voice. If I have a button to change the volume of the audio on one slide, I need to repeat this, with variables, on every slide.
So I hoped there was the simpler option of just muting the whole pc!
Just caught sight of this post whilst looking to solve an audio problem of my own. Here is how I would solve the problem.
//list number of the slide to mute in ascending order
txtSlidesToMute = "3 5 7 10 12 14 19 23 28 35 49 52 77";
//Splits the slide list into array
arrSlidesToMute = txtSlidesToMute.split(" ");
//Gets length of array
numLength = arrSlidesToMute.length
//Gets number of slides in slideshow
numSlides = Slideshow_1.GetSlideCount();
//Opens and plays the file
txtFileChosen = OpenSound("C:\\Users\\Paul\\Downloads\\Moonlight_Sonata_by_Beethoven.mp3");
//Loops through the slides
for (var i=0;i<numSlides;i++)
//Goes to slide number
//Assigns loop index to variable
numSlide = i;
//Loops through array to find match and sets sound to 0
for (var j = 0;j<numLength;j++)
//Compares slide number to array slide number and mutes audio
if (numSlide.toString() == arrSlidesToMute[j])
//Mutes audio and waits slide timing
//Slide timing delay. If different for some slides use a variable and second array
//Rests audio to full volume
if (txtFileChosen.GetVolume() == 0)
/*Linda, hope this helps. It worked fine on my single page slideshow. There may be more elegant solutions but this one works fine. I will retain it for use in the
multimedia program I am developing.
Paul Conway
Well, that was the scripted version! Your query referred to an action. I can't see one but there is a solution. Simply add two Key Pressed actions, e.g. 'Left' and 'Right' arrow keys and two script object to a page with the following code:
// Left arrow key pressed
// Right arrow key pressed
//The sound file continues to run with only the volume switched off and on as needed.