My on-going video challenges . . . sigh!
My clients videos finally work in the Opus pres! We settled on a wmv format as a universal solution and the videos look great--most of the time.
Today, I viewed the videos on the client's "tester" computer, a stripped down computer (Pentium 3) that runs XP Pro.
The videos have all looked great in the video area I designated by template and the play, pause, stop buttons that i made work perfectly. Hurrah!
The fly in the ointment: on the tester computer, the videos are showing a little larger and therefore won't display edges. There is enough missing that changing my display area size won't really solve the problem.
Per earlier advice, when I set my doc properties I set the document resolution so that regardless of a certian machine's settings, my CD plays at a certain screen resolution and fits great on every machine.
Can I do the same for my videos?
I don't understand all of the video settings. Is this size change I viewed today a Media Player setting? If so, is there a way that I can set a video's resolution so that it plays a certain way from the CD regardless of the host's settings?
Any suggestions about how to force all my videos to look the same?
Otherwise, the demo--all 35+ pages--has gone well and the client is pleased. Thanks for all the previous video aid, everyone.
_________________ margaret
Washington, DC area, USA
Amazed by Grace